Tuesday, May 27, 2008


My adventure in Hawaii is going great! Its not exactly what I expected it to be, but it has turned out to be so much more. I am defiantly learning a lot about myself and about life.

At first I was lonely here and it was hard, but I realized that attitude is the key. When I decided to have a positive attitude no matter what happened, things turned completely around. Nothing changed, but the way I looked at it changed and I was able to see how blessed I am to be here. As I began to have a good attitude and trust in the Lord I could just feel the blessings being poured out on me. I realized the hand of the Lord in everything I do and how much He truly is aware of me and is helping and guiding me always. I have always known this but being here has given me a renewed testimony. On campus we have devotionals every Tuesday morning and firesides every Sunday night. Each time I have gone the topic has been an answer to my prayers. I know the Lord wanted me to be here and is guiding my life. I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who listens to my prayers and places answers all around me.

So here are some keys to happiness that I have learned while out here:

1. Be positive and optimistic.
Look for the good in every situation!
2. Trust in the Lord.
Fear and doubt ruin happiness.
3. Have Faith, Hope, and Charity.
These three things are really the key to happiness!

These things might seem basic, I'm just slow and it took something big to really make me realize what truly can make me happy. I know now that it doesn't matter where you are, what you are doing, or what trials you are going through; you can always be happy if you choose to be.


Lorina said...

I totally agree about fear and doubt. God did not give us fear, He wants us to be happy!

Ashley and Devon said...

You are so insightful! I think different phases of our lives bring new experiences and I think it's so cool that you are learning and growing so much. You are just the best :)